01 July 2018 -31 Dec 2021
Budget: 247.556, 25 EUR
Coordinator: Italian National Research Council (CNR) Italy, CLC South – Research Organization |
Consortium: 5 KIC partners and 6 task partners: Italian National Research Council (CNR) Italy, CLC South – Research Organization Politecnico di Milano (PoliMI) Italy, CLC South – Research Organization Montanuniversitaet Leoben (Leoben) Austria – CLC East Research Organization Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Geology (TTÜ) Estonia, Baltic CLC, University University of Oulu (UO-ECE) Finland, CLC North, University Institute of Organic Chemistry with Center of Phytochemistry - Bulgarian Academy of Sci-ence (IOCCP) Bulgaria, ESEE country– Research Organization State Institution of Higher Education (SHEI) "National Mining University", Ukraine, ESEE country– Research Organization University of Banja Luka (UniBL) Bosnia i Herzegovina, ESEE country– Research Organization National Institute of Materials Physics (NIMP), Romania, ESEE country– Research Organization hydep, Hydrogen for Development of Environmental Projects srl, (hydep) Italy, Industry (SME) Association of Technology Engineers of Republic of Srpska, (ATERS) Bosnia I Herzegovina, Association
Quoting Socrates “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”, RAISESEE “RAw MaterIals Students Internships in East South East Europe” project is focused on the development of hands-on stages in working environment for secondary schools students. The mix of basic training in lab/industry safety rules, Raw Materials themes and of hands-on stages in “real world” research institutes, universities, industries will help students toward an informed choice of their university studies, allowing pupils to match their expectations and talents with the opportunities offered by the stakeholders in different Raw Materials sectors. A specific task of RAISESEE will be also the inclusion of several partners from ESEE area as active actors in training activities.
RAISESEE intends to achieve a common set of curricula based on KIC Raw Materials pillars (i.e sustainable mining, geotechnical system stability, RMs recycling and circular economy, CRMs reduction/substitution, waste-to-products, materials synthesis and characterization for industrial waste-waters treatment, utilization of waste by-products from transport, industry, mining and human activity for environmental protection), for 15 working days stages of secondary schools students. The stages will be jointly realized both in research institutes/universities and in companies, fostering cross-fertilization and providing a complete training. The stages will be hands-on putting in direct contact students with the real working environments but also providing a tutoring suitable for a successful inclusion of students in the working/research activities. Partners (both patron and task) having already experience in hands-on stages will provide capacity building training to other partners without previous experience. Common curricula will be developed to foster partners collaboration and students mobility also to seek Gender Equality thus involving women in activities traditionally reserved to men, and vice-versa. In this respect, re-considering maternity/paternity leaves. All partners will provide co-funding by skilled personnel FTE, apparatus (equipment) and the consumptives needed for the preparation, characterization and testing of activated carbon based catalysts and adsorbents from waste materials (biomass, coal products, polymer waste).