The main goal of the National Contact Point in the NMU is supporting the integration of Ukraine into the European scientific and educational community and activation of mutually beneficial scientific and technological cooperation with the European Union, through the participation of Ukrainian scientists in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020".


The main activities of NMU contact point are the following:

- Informing the scientific community about scientific and technical programs of the EU, including the current and future calls, conditions of participation, as well as opportunities and conditions for submitting proposals;

- Assist researchers and organizations, new actors and SMEs, with a view to increasing their participation in Horizon 2020;

- Advise new participants, organizations and SMEs, on the setting up of appropriate management and legal structures in projects with large budgets and/or numerous participants. Explain the scope and the modalities of funding schemes to be used in Horizon 2020;

- Where appropriate, organize courses and training seminars for specific target groups (universities, business organizations, SMEs, women in science etc.) or on specific topics (legal aspects, modalities for participation, research and innovation areas covered by several specific challenges and programmes, financial rules etc.);

- Assistance and advice in the partners finding, organizing good governance, legal and financial aspects, customs procedures etc. in projects, which are implemented with the participation of Ukrainian partners;

- Keep in touch with other national and regional contact points of Ukraine and other countries, as well as the relevant services of the European Commission on questions of participation in FP of EU "Horizon 2020".